Every single Organization, Private or Public, deals with a huge amount of internal & external information created through structured or unstructured processes. All this information, stored inside corporate servers and/or in the cloud present a challenge and an opportunity for the modern enterprise.
Effective use of this information for the benefit of cost cutting and improvement of corporate processes via automation in knowledge base, is the central point of HIT' solutions in Enterprise Content & Knowledge Management Systems (ECKM). HIT delivers high quality and fully customized SOA-based product solutions covering all aspects of the knowledge delivery value chain. Those kind of solutions cover the whole range of creating and management of dynamic web, social & mobile content, organization and handling of enterprise internal multimodal information as well as efficient (context aware and on time) and effective (personalized) delivery of enterprise content through various information channels.
HIT has successfully developed cutting edge knowledge management and discovery solutions on various vertical application domains for government organizations, banks, mass media organisations etc.
Content & Knowledge Management System
Next is a summary statement of the main features, tools and technologies used by our Content & Knowledge Management System:
- Separation of content and presentation. A key advantage of our system is the separation of content and presentation of the portal.
- User friendly interface. It is user friendly and provides intelligent navigation menu functions and also a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Editor that provides a simple text editing environment.
- Advanced personalization and content management roles. To support effective management of sites, it provides competent users the possibility to restrict access and presentation of different interfaces depending on the privileges - role held by each user.
- Multimedia libraries. The key features that offer the tools of our Content & Knowledge Management System is the document management and other data elements such as images, multimedia content etc.
- Databases. It uses a centralized data repository and has the ability to operate with all versions of known database management systems (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL).
- Content versioning. The tools of our system allow management of different versions of content, documents and other materials used by website. This avoids first two users change the same content simultaneously and also held a historical archive of content.
- Object oriented architecture. Each object associated with the website or the intranet of the organization is considered as one entity (object) in our Content & Knowledge Management System, including the links, images, text, menus and articles.